Matteo, an eager bottom, finds himself dominated and relentlessly pounded by the irresistible jock, Mathieu Ferhati. Their intimate encounter, filled with raw passion and...
Fresh to the Citebeur's crew, Dzfuck, an Algerian top, unleashes a savage pounding on Ass2Coeur, a willing bottom. This intense, primal display culminates with...
Marc, a Portuguese stud, is dominated by a straight Algerian, Anis, in a raw, unfiltered encounter. Despite the initial pain, Marc enjoys the intense...
Cooper, an office worker in Paris, turns the workspace into his personal playground after-hours, relishing the company of macho guys. He meets Fabio and...
Hunky Stallion returns to service the eager bottom, Lucky. After a deep-throating session, raw penetration ensues, hitting all the right spots. Both enjoy non-stop...