Ah, the allure of a male backside! As a gay man, I must admit there’s an unshakeable fascination I hold for bums, and it certainly extends beyond my own! If a lad sports a well-shaped bottom, my mind leaps into overdrive.
Ponder this for a moment: a good chunk of us identify our rear-ends as sexual organs. I’m referencing here those of us who identify as versatile or bottoms in the gay parlance.
And there’s a sound reason for that – tucked away deep inside your derrière is a dense network of nerve endings. Among the most significant is the pudendal nerve, nestling in the pelvic region.
This nerve (in conjunction with your prostate gland) explains the exquisite pleasure derived from a touch to the bottom or a tender insertion of a finger.
Below, you’ll find a selection of photos of lads whose nerve-laden landscapes we’d fancy exploring ; )
So sit back, and bask in the splendour of these broad, beautiful bums!